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  • Writer's pictureKEIE Foundation

Black Lives Matters

“This post is to support and acknowledge all the strong supporters of the "Black Lives Matter" movement in Canada and Internationally. As I feel change is needed, I also want to pray to all the families that have lost a sibling, friends, and others to gun violence, war, and other unfortunate situations.”

I am proud to see people stand up for the wrong actions of people in power, as they should be held accountable for the actions if meant in a manner that has caused harm when that could have been avoided. However, in the past, other leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Gandhi spoke for freedom through non-violence. As I have prayed and continue to pray for my fellow brothers and sisters, I sometimes wonder about two things:

  1. Will this rectify this issue?

  2. Is there any other option to provide momentum that people in power cannot control?

Taking some time to gather my thoughts, I believe there is an amazing opportunity. It includes their heritage, history, and religious beliefs. It is fascinating that black people have so much history but little to no avenues that promote it or are not visible to everyone. As per the famous quote, "It takes a village to raise a child," we need to ensure we bring up our children with the right guidance, know their heritage, and be proud of it like other cultures do (Jewish, Hindi, and Muslim). The common denominator for their success has been to support the community and churches. They use the community centers and churches as a way to teach and guide their children of the future.

My prayer and wish are for us to seek the Lord to show us how we can all unite to abolish our differences and be one village, which includes supporting our retail stores and community centres through donations, and volunteering. It will create a foundation of funding that will be used to support our urban centres and schools. In addition, it will increase our social opportunities through career networking and educational assistance programs to relieve grads of debt and hardship but allow them to focus on their future and new opportunities. Creating a new revenue system to rely on instead of the banking systems and other lenders will give us the power of choice and build a new legacy for the current and future generations. I want a nation that stops the violence against one another as "Black Lives Matter."

It would include fighting injustices caused by police and gang members that black lives matter as too many innocent people have been caught in the crossfire for far too long. Statistics have shown that the black men's population is decreasing in North America and worldwide. It is an epidemic that starts with us pointing at ourselves.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, he has heard my prayer, and I ask for you also to pray this prayer of acknowledgement and celebration that he has answered our prayer. Building each other will be brick by brick, but when the foundation is built on rock, it will maintain, but if it is on the sand, it will be swallowed up. My brother and sisters, please hear this prayer and well wishes for our new generation. Let's all make a difference cause "Black Lives Matter."



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